Category Archives: My Battle with Bowel Cancer

Life Changing Surgery – Part Three

As I said before, I don’t remember much about being in Intensive Care, but I do remember the vivid dreams I had: Goblins running around the ward, peeking behind the curtains at me: a bus crash near where I live and intensive care readying itself for the patients (this was so vivid that I asked a nurse if it had happened!). I vaguely remember Phil visiting, when right in the middle of a sentence I would drift off to sleep and he would wait patiently until I woke up again to carry on the conversation.

After Intensive Care I was transferred to the High Dependency Unit. Here, there was one nurse between two patients, there was also several care assistants who helped with things like giving bed baths, moving you from side to side so you didn’t get bed sores, cleaning your teeth and making your bed.

I had developed a hacking cough after surgery and one particular time I coughed so hard it dislodged the feeding tube that was down my throat. I immediately knew it wasn’t good as I was choking, I couldn’t breathe. One of the nurses noticed I was in distress and came over but she thought I was just struggling to cough. I was pointing at my throat and by this time I was gagging as well. Two more nurses came over and one shone a torch down my throat and immediately saw what the problem was and they whipped the feeding tube out of my throat, I can’t tell what a relief that was, I literally thought I was going to die. Afterwards it reminded me of a scene from Airplane…

After spending a day in this ward the nurses told me I was going to get up and walk, I panicked a little bit, not feeling ready to do this, but later on that day I managed a walk around the ward and sat back in the chair. Phil was very surprised to see me sat in the chair when he came to visit a little later.

I began to drink soup, have some ice cream and plenty of Fortisips, which are a protein milkshake. I started to take longer walks, with my trusty IV drip following me and sitting for longer periods in the chair. They took out a tube which was in my neck, removed the catheter and took out the cannulas, as they had put a PICC line in when I was in ICU. So, I was beginning to feel a little more human again.

I spent three days in MDU and suddenly one morning I was told I was moving to a general ward. I was pleased as this meant I was getting better, but also a little worried as I thought I wouldn’t get the care and attention I had been given over the last six days as the nurses there are sometimes very stretched.

There were six beds on my ward, I was lucky enough to have a bed by the window where I could see the entrance to the hospital and I needn’t have worried, the nurses were amazing, they looked after us all so well.

The doctors did their rounds each day and gave you an update on where you were at, mostly based on the blood tests you did each day. I was told I was doing well, that was until I did a re-enactment of The Exorcist and threw up everywhere.

I’d been sick in the past six days, but nothing like this. I felt queasy and asked for something to be sick in, well once I started, I couldn’t stop and it was going everywhere and it was fluorescent green! The Sister on the ward told me it was because I had a lot of liquid settling on my stomach and the only way to get rid of it was to insert the feeding tube back down my throat. Well, I wasn’t best pleased about that, but if it was the only way to stop it then I would have to do it.

Three nurses turned up and I was told to sip water through a straw whilst they put the tube up my nose. We managed it after a false start but I could feel it at the back of my throat and so I started gagging and being sick once again. They decided to take the tube out and because I had regurgitated so much liquid most of it had gone from my stomach, so they were happy to not try again, much to my relief. I was sick again, in the middle of the night, but I was in the toilet and didn’t tell anyone and I wasn’t sick again!

Another problem I had (like Phil said, there were inevitably going to be some setbacks) was going to the toilet. I felt like I needed to go all the time and when I did it was just a trickle. So the doctors decided that the stents I had fitted in my kidneys needed to come out. I was a bit worried about how they were going to do that and I was wheelchaired to Urology.

I was taken to a room where there were two doctors and a nurse and had to lay down with my legs apart, very dignified and one of the doctors inserted a long clamp watching via a monitor and the other one operated the clippers to take hold of the stent. They did this in a matter of seconds and then the other one just as quick. The stent was a long plastic tube and I have to say, I immediately felt so much better. I was taken back to the ward where everyone, including the nurses, were amazed at how quick it was.

Talking of the other patients: we all had various stomach problems, there were three other ladies who were there when I arrived, one left a week later, one left the same day as me and one remained there. We all got on very well and it made the days seem a bit more bearable. They are long days in hospital, only having blood tests, scans and meals to look forward to and of course, visiting hours.

I was very lucky in that I had lots of visitors, so a HUGE thank you to everyone who visited me, you don’t realise how much it meant to me. Phil, of course, came every day, I think there was only a couple of days he missed, bringing me my spare pyjamas, snacks and just conversation, even if it was just talking about his work, it was nice to talk about something different than my operation!

Apart from a couple of hiccups, my recovery was speedy and I was very pleased when I was told that I could go home. The lady in the bed opposite me was also being released the same day and she was especially happy because it meant she could go to her son’s wedding a couple of days later. I was lucky in that my son’s wedding wasn’t until October, so that gave me plenty of time to get fitter.

Before my operation I did a lot of walking, I was doing around 10,000 steps every day and was quite fit and the doctors said that because of this my recovery was a lot quicker, so that’s my main piece of advice, get fit before you have any kind of operation!

I’m not sure this is what the doctor meant!

On my release date (it sounds like I was in prison!) the lady opposite put her phone on loudspeaker and she played a couple of tunes to celebrate us leaving. Of course, I requested Dancing Queen and the nurses were dancing and singing along as they made our beds, it was so nice to see them having fun.

I came home three weeks after my operation, with the intention of not returning to hospital, but unfortunately I contracted an infection in my stoma. I was told later by the doctor that the HIPIC surgery had caused this and so was in hospital for another week, in isolation, which I didn’t mind and so far, three months later, I haven’t returned.

We went to see the Oncology doctor about a month after the operation where I was told that the cancer had gone! There was no sign of it at all, even when they examined the ovaries after taking them out, there was no cancer on them.

I had an MRI scan yesterday and I am due to see the consultant in a couple of weeks time, so hopefully I will receive the same news from him and also news on when my stoma can be reversed. But until then, I’m taking one day at a time because you never know what’s around the corner.

I hope you have found these blog posts informative and helpful and I would like to say that when you receive the bowel screening test through the post from the NHS, please, please do it, it only takes five minutes and it could save your life – it saved mine!

Life Changing Surgery – Part Two (Phil’s story)

I was in Intensive Care for three days, but I can’t remember much about it as I kept drifting in and out of consciousness, but here is Phil’s story…

“The day of Karen’s operation was the longest day of my life. We were told that the operation was to take about 12 hours, but if there was nothing that could be done then we would hear from the surgeon a lot sooner than that. So when the time edged past 11.00 AM, I knew that the operation was going ahead. I had told friends and family that I would contact them as soon as I heard any news, but some couldn’t wait and messaged me wanting to know if I had heard anything, I couldn’t really blame them.

I went to work as I couldn’t face sitting at home all day and needed something to take my mind of it. The day went past very slowly and at last at about 10:30 PM I received a phone call from Dr. West, the surgeon, to say that the operation went well and Karen was in recovery. The relief was immense and I telephoned the family to let them know. The next morning I passed on the good news to our friends.

We didn’t know if I could visit Karen in Intensive Care so we didn’t really make any arrangements, but I was told when I phoned up to see how she was doing that I could visit, so I went there that afternoon. Before I saw her, I was warned by the nurses that there would be a lot of machines and drips and tubes so I was to be prepared to be shocked. They were right, there were about seven drips, five machines and tubes from anywhere there could be a tube and in the middle of all this was Karen.

I didn’t recognise her at first, she had ballooned and her skin was really tight, we were both emotional when we saw each other. I would be talking to her and she would drift off to sleep, so I would watch all the machines and take note of the numbers that were being shown.

The nurses in Intensive Care were fantastic – Karen had two nurses looking after her at a time, they were washing her, taking her blood pressure, doing blood tests, cleaning her teeth, moving her into a different position every two hours so she wouldn’t get bed sores, just chatting to her when she was conscious, nothing was too much trouble for them.

The part of the Intensive Care Unit that Karen was in, there were no windows so she didn’t really know what time of day it was, her bed was right next to the Nurse’s Station and I noticed that they were always keeping an eye on her. I noticed as well that Intensive Care was very much no thrills, there were no comforts, no bedside table, no cupboard or drawers to put things in, but I suppose people aren’t supposed to spend a long time in these wards.

Each time I visited Karen she had less tubes and drips which I assumed was a good sign. She was still sleepy, but we could have a conversation now.

One morning I received a message from Karen to say that she had been moved to the High Dependency Ward which was a relief as that meant she was getting better and when I went to visit her that day, she was actually sat up in a chair next to her bed and that was only four days after her operation!

Life-Changing Surgery – Part One

I was admitted the day before my operation, Monday 10th July, 2023, at 9:00 AM in the morning. After completing my admission form I was left mainly to my own devices until people started turning up at my bedside: McMillan nurse, doctors, the anaesthetist followed by the surgeon.

The talk with the anaesthetist went well until he informed me I’d be having an epidural whilst awake before the operation. That I wasn’t expecting. But by far the worst talk was with the surgeon who gave me a long list of things they will be doing during the operation: removing both my ovaries, my uterus and my rectum! Plus taking out the infected bowel and re-connecting it. He said that they were going to do the HIPEC surgery, filling my bowel up with chemotherapy, leaving for 90 minutes and then flushing out. The hardest thing to hear was when he told me that if the cancer has spread to my stomach lining then he would simply stitch me back up again and that would be that.

Phil came to visit me and we went down to Costa for a coffee where we discussed what was said, we both were very upset about the possibility if nothing could be done. I think the hardest thing was saying goodbye to him, not knowing for sure if I would ever see him again.

I was nil by mouth, only being allowed to sip water and some Fortisip, then the nurse came and informed me I need to have an enema. I thought that was just going to be a torpedo-shaped tablet put up my bottom, but boy was I wrong. It was a tube of lubricant or something, I’m not sure what it was, but I know it hurt like hell and as soon as she finished, I made a dash for the toilet and stayed there for a good 20 minutes. “At least that’s over,” I said to myself but unfortunately it happened twice again, each time hurt as bad as the last!

Time to try and get some sleep, which you can imagine was very difficult, not just because of the operation but also because of the noisy ward. I woke up at about four o’clock in the morning and had a bad case of cold feet, not wanting to have the surgery at all, perhaps persuade them to postpone it but then I thought about the enemas and I certainly didn’t want to go through that again.

I woke up again at seven o’clock and was given some cream to have a wash in to sterilise myself and then I was visited by the two surgeons who were performing the operation. They just wanted to say hello and make sure I was feeling okay.

I walked to the operating theatre with a theatre assistant who warned me not to get overwhelmed by the amount of people in there and when I entered the operating theatre she wasn’t kidding, there was loads of people. I sat on the bed and waited for my epidural and was asked the question by one of the theatre staff, “What would you normally be doing on a Tuesday morning?” “Watching Homes Under the Hammer,” was my reply and we had a conversation about buying and selling houses!! Meanwhile they were fiddling with my lower back preparing me for the epidural, which I have to say, didn’t hurt at all.

I noticed there was a huge blue screen down one end of the room and when I asked what that was for I was told. “All the machines we will be using are there, we don’t want you to see how many there are.”

I laid on my back and was told that I would soon be drifting off to sleep and seconds later I was asleep.


I’m sorry that I haven’t updated my blog for SUCH a long time – but the truth of the matter is I simply haven’t felt up to it. Since my fifth chemo session, I have been in hospital five times, spending at least three days each time. Mainly to do with chemo side affects, but also dehydration. Anyway, I will come to that later on, first of all was the PICC insertion which I was really dreading, I mean, how can they get a line to go up a vein on my arm, round the bend towards my heart? I know they’ve done it maybe a 1000 times before, but that didn’t reassure me. I read on one Bowel Cancer page that it didn’t hurt just a bit of pressure whilst they try to do it, so that put me in a better place.

The day arrived and to say I was a big of a mess is an understatement – I put on a brave face for the sake of Phil and we made our way to Hamwic House.

Once there I went into a small office where I was told about the things that could go wrong and there were a lot but I was also told that the procedure was routine. I signed my life away and went into the room where the procedure would take place. The nurse who was going to do it was very nice and she put me at my ease. The comments on Facebook were right, it didn’t hurt at all, I didn’t feel a thing and after about 20 minutes I was able to go home.

I never realised how much this PICC line would help me, it is used for the chemotherapy, the same way in which a cannula is used and it can also be used for blood tests which is a godsend for me as getting blood out of me is a little tricky.

The next day I was to have my first chemotherapy session. Again, I was nervous not knowing what to expect but I found the atmosphere relaxing and even was served coffee, sandwiches and crisps at lunchtime! Due to Covid no-one was allowed to sit with me during this time, but my treatment only lasted about three hours and with the constant visitors of nurses and the Macmillan nurse, the time really did go fast.

The first three chemo sessions seemed to go according to plan. Yes, I had side affects: tingling in my fingers and hand when I touched something cold, tingling of the face when it was cold outside, what is known as first-bite syndrome, when you take a bite of something it is quite painful, food was tasteless and a general feeling of nausea.

I had to have a pump attached to me for 48 hours after the chemo session, which continued pumping in the chemo and then after that time a district nurse would come and disconnect me from it. It was a feeling of freedom when that was detached.

Session four took a bit more of a toll on me, I ended up in hospital as I was quite breathless and after they took an X-ray discovered I had a blood clot on my lung, so I had to inject myself every night and morning with a blood thinner.

After session five I felt like I had been hit with a hammer, I was in hospital for a further four times, suffering with acute kidney injury as I was constantly dehydrated. I think that this was because of the stoma bag because it would fill up quite quickly after eating and so the food and water was passing through me too fast for me to gain any benefit from it.

I have to say that I saw some very colourful characters in hospital (that’s a whole another blog!) and I admire the nurse’s patience in dealing with them, I’m not so sure I would be so patient.

The last time I was in hospital they gave me an iron infusion which certainly made me feel a whole lot better. I was discharged and I then seemed to turn a corner, I’ve been drinking lots and have been leading quite a normal life, even going to Swanage for a few days in a caravan.

The only thing now is that my hair is falling out quite a bit, it’s really very thin now so I’ve taken to wearing a baseball cap, really trying to put off having to either have my hair cut short or even shaved off.

My body rejected the PICC line and it started to come out, so it was removed, which means that when I have a blood test it’s a bit of a nightmare – one time in hospital it took six different people to get the blood, you can imagine how bruised my arms were!

At the moment I am trying to get fit for the operation to remove the tumour which will probably be in the next eight weeks. I have an MRI and CT scan at the end of this month and a fitness test.

My tally of scans etc., is:

MRI scans3
CT scans4
PET scan1
Ultrasound scans2

So there you have it, that’s my journey up until now. It’s amazing to think this all started back in November, it really has gone so fast. Once again, thank you to everyone for their kind messages and care packages and flowers, they are all so appreciated.

Support: Emotional, Financial and Mental

I wanted to start this blog with a shout out to the person who has been with me through this whole journey, accompanying me on every appointment, taking on the household chores without complaining, cooking meals, giving me a hug and words of encouragement when I’m feeling down and that’s Phil, my husband. I know when we exchanged wedding vows we said, “In sickness and in health,” but when you’re young, you don’t think that will apply until much later in your married life. I know it’s hard for him to take in what’s going on but he’s dealt with it so wonderfully and I don’t think I could ever repay him.

My best friend

Support comes in many different ways, emotional, physical, mental and financial and I have been overwhelmed by the level of support I have received from family, friends, healthcare professionals, neighbours and work colleagues.

Family is an important support system and my family haven’t failed in this respect with lots of messages of support, flower deliveries, visits and even a handwritten letter through the post! It’s lovely to know that they are all thinking of me and sending me get well vibes.

Friends are another important part of this journey, whether it’s having a cup of coffee in their house, going out for a drink, going for a walk with them or just messaging words of support and checking in to make sure that I’m okay. I have one particular friend who battled breast cancer and won, she is an inspiration to me and she kept a blog about her journey…

Click picture for link to Me, You, Us and Breast Cancer blog

Apart from friends and family, there’s also the professional support from the Macmillan nurses, district nurses, consultants and organisations.

At each consultancy appointment there has been a Macmillan nurse in attendance, always there to provide information when we’re not too sure what is being said, nothing is too much trouble for them. When I was in hospital Phil went down to the shops and Hannah, a Macmillan nurse saw that he was looking distressed and immediately went over to him and had a chat with him, even though it was her lunch break.

Phil is a keen runner and has ran numerous 10K races, so he has entered himself for the Bristol 10K on 14th May, 2023 and is running to raise money for Macmillan.

Click to donate to Phil’s 10K run

There is a place called Maggie’s at Southampton General Hospital which provides free cancer support and provides all sorts of information, workshops, therapy and even financial information. We visited there before a consultant appointment and were very impressed by the work they do there. We sat down and had a chat with one of the staff, it was a very relaxed atmosphere and you could have a free cup of tea or coffee.

Whilst at Maggie’s we wanted to speak with the financial person. I am self employed and so as such am not receiving any money whilst I am having treatment, so we wanted to know what we could apply for and how we go about doing it. Unfortunately she was busy with another couple so we left our contact details being assured that she would contact us in a couple of days.

Meanwhile I set about seeing what I could claim myself and after perusing the Bowel Cancer Support Group UK, which is a great group to find help and advice, I discovered I could apply for ESA (Employment and Support Allowance) and PIP (Personal Independence Payment). I am now receiving the ESA payment, but am waiting on the decision regarding the PIP payment.

True to their word, the financial lady from Maggie’s phoned me and she asked what I had applied for, when I told her I had done the ESA and PIP she said that that was the main ones, but had I applied for the Macmillan grant? I replied that I hadn’t known about that and after asking me for my bank details she then informed me that £350 would be in my account next week! She also said that if I get refused the PIP payment then make an appointment to see her and she’ll fill out the appeal form. So I would definitely recommend a visit to Maggie’s.

Mental wellbeing is a tough one. I know that positive thinking goes a long way to help with the process, but sometimes I’m not in that headspace and the slightest thing can turn me into a blubbering wreck. But I have learned that on the good days, you need to take advantage and as I love all things creative I try to do a bit of art work, whether it’s with polymer clay, watercolour paints or just drawing. I watch YouTube videos of people creating art work and that inspires me to try myself, so the other day I made some polymer flowers, which I was quite pleased with. It made me forget about the word, Cancer, and get lost in an artistic bubble.

Polymer flowers

Of course, writing these blog posts does a lot of good for my mental health as it is quite cathartic and it reminds me that I have a lot of love and support and that I’m not alone in this battle with bowel cancer!

Adjusting to life with a stoma bag

I could faintly hear a voice saying, “Wake up Karen, wake up,” and as I opened my eyes I could see I was in the recovery room. “Everything went well,” I was reassured, “and now we’re taking you back to the ward.” I nodded, feeling my eyes close once again.

Once we were back on the ward I could tell that I was hooked up to all kinds of machines and I felt like I had been punched in the stomach. It was around nine o’clock and so I fell back into a sleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night, something wasn’t right, I felt down my right side, it was sodden, well everything was, my gown and my sheets were drenched. I thought the worst, “I’m bleeding out,” and I looked for the alarm button but couldn’t find it. Luckily, the lady opposite me was up out of her bed and so I asked her to fetch somebody for me, which she duly did.

Two nurses came, one was a huge man, they took one look at me and gasped. On closer inspection they discovered that my stoma bag hadn’t been closed at the bottom and so all the waste was going straight through. So the male nurse gathered me up in his arms, (yes, he was that strong!) and sat me down next to the bed while the other nurse stripped the bed.

I was past caring as the male nurse wiped me down, carefully avoiding all the tubes and changed my gown, I just stood obediently half asleep, waiting to be lifted back in bed.

The next morning the stoma nurse visited me. I hadn’t really looked at the bag and to be honest, I wasn’t sure that I wanted to and when I told her about the leaking stoma bag she said, “Well, that’s a great introduction to having one!” She showed me how to empty it into a bowl while I was laying in bed and said she’d be back in a couple of days to show me how to change the bag. I wasn’t really looking forward to that, but I knew it was something I would have to get used to.

As the days went on I became more confident in handling the stoma bag, I still had to empty it in a bowl, so that the nurses could record the flow and sometimes it made me feel a bit queasy but overall it was okay.

The stoma nurse showed me how to change the bag, which entailed measuring the stoma and cutting a hole to fit it, cleaning it, cleaning the skin around it and putting it on so that it sat nicely on your stomach. It does feel good when you have a new bag on. (I never thought I’d say that!)

I spent the next two weeks in hospital (which I will go into more detail in a separate blog) and during that time me and my stoma got to know each other a little better each day. I was on a low fibre diet and things like sweeetcorn, peas, skins on potatoes, skins on fruits, nuts, seeds, spicy food, are all a total no no. The menu at the hospital was:

I was discharged by the stoma nurses after seeing them three times and showing I could change a bag by myself and it became routine emptying it, day and night.

I was given a bag of supplies provided by a company called Fittleworth, which are of no cost, so you just telephone them when you need some more supplies. There are lots of different stoma bags available, so if you can’t get on with one, there’s always another to try. I was having trouble with red skin around the stoma, so they changed the bag to a more raised one and that is much better.

So, when I was discharged from the hospital, me and my stoma went home, did it go well? You’ll find out in my next blog about Life At Home With A Stoma Bag…

An Unplanned Operation

In the days following the colonoscopy, I began to feel unwell, having trouble going to the toilet, feeling very tired and having to drink all the time.

We went to a Carol Service in Winchester Cathedral but I missed most of it as I was sat on the toilet in the deep bowels (!) of the cathedral. I let Phil run wild with the Christmas decorations, putting up decorations that I normally left in the boxes, but I was too tired to argue and just laid on the settee watching him, biting my tongue.

I missed Christmas events because I simply felt too poorly to go and would lay in bed after I’d finished my work (I work from home) and take an hours nap, but still feel tired when I woke up.

I went for a CT scan, where they had the usual problem of inserting a cannula in my arm, my veins don’t like it and magically disappear at the sight of a needle! That went okay, the feeling of having wet yourself at one point during the scan sure felt weird!

Then the symptoms stepped up a notch, I felt extraordinary tired, I felt hot, I felt cold, I uncontrollably shivered, even though I was under the duvet fully clothed with a jumper on. Once I was tempted to phone for an ambulance, but I had an appointment with the consultant the next day so I decided that I would tell him instead.

We arrived for the consultation and everything seemed to be going well until I mentioned the pain in my stomach and the feverish symptoms and the consultant decided that I needed an emergency CT scan to see what was going on.

I was admitted to a hospital bed to wait for my CT scan, it was about 7 PM at this time. We decided it was best for Phil to go home because who knew what time I would be taken down, so he left waiting for the call to come and collect me.

I went down for my second CT scan and then had to wait for the result.

I was told that the tumour had perforated and that was why I was in a lot of pain, I was to be transferred to the Surgical Unit and prepared for an operation. I was moved to the new ward at 2 AM, dozing on and off until the morning.

I was visited by the consultant, who I know now was Mr West and he explained to me what he was going to do. He was going to give me a stoma bag so that the poo will bypass the tumour and not infect it more, then they were going to pump me full of antibiotics.

I had a visit from a stoma nurse who marked on my stomach where the stoma was going to be placed, she explained what it did, but I didn’t really take it all in. Hannah, the Macmillan nurse came and spoke with me, but again, I can’t remember much about what was said.

Unbeknown to me, the consultant had phoned Phil and told him to come over to the hospital to see me before I went down for the operation as it was pretty serious, they didn’t know what they were going to find whilst operating.

After seeing Phil and putting those delightful stockings on, I was taken down to the theatre, I was shaking, not from a fever this time, but from nerves. The operating staff were lovely, making me relax before I drifted off…

The Colonoscopy

The day before the colonoscopy I had to take some laxatives to clear my bowels, not that there was much in them as I hadn’t had much to eat in the previous few days. The Screening Programme sent me a package containing sachets of Klean prep to be taken at 9 AM, midday, 3 PM and 6PM with one litre of water.

I managed to force down the first lot, but at midday the thought of drinking another litre was frankly vomit inducing. But, I tried and every mouthful came back up much quicker than it went down. This wasn’t gonna happen, so I phoned the Screening Programme to explain what was going on. The lady informed me that there was another product I could try which was called MoviPrep and that it was more palatable than Klean, not a lot, but a bit. I was willing to try anything at this point and so she said she would bring it round to my house, which was unbelievably kind of her.

So, after some advice to dilute it with a juice (not blackcurrant) and drink it through a straw, I powered through and managed to complete the course of treatment.

The next day I arrived at Southampton General Hospital, said goodbye to Phil and ventured up to the Endoscopy Department. After filling in a questionnaire about my health (I had already gone through this via a telephone call a couple of days before), I was led into a room.

After signing a waiver in case anything went wrong, a cannula was inserted and I was taken to the treatment room.

I think it struck me there and then when I was laying on the treatment table that this could be serious. They asked if I would like to watch what was happening and I said that I would, so they moved the screen closer to me.

I watched and all seemed to be going well until I noticed a change in the atmosphere, things got a little serious and they moved the screen further from me, I guessed things weren’t as straightforward as I’d hoped.

After the colonoscopy I was taken to a recovery ward where one of nurses said to me that the doctor would like to speak with me and my husband about his findings. I knew then why this was and I laid in the bed staring blankly in front of me, dreading the moment when I saw the doctor.

We were led into a small room where the doctor, the lady from the screening programme and a Macmillan nurse were waiting for us. My heart sank as I saw the Macmillan nurse, confirming what my suspicions were. The doctor pulled no punches, he told us they had found a tumour and he had done this job long enough to know that it was cancer. They were sending off a biopsy but he was going to go ahead and get things in motion as there was no point in waiting for the result of the biopsy.

The doctor and the lady from the screening programme left and we were sat with the Macmillan nurse, I looked at Phil who was in tears and I started to cry as well, we couldn’t believe it was happening.

The Macmillan nurse was super supportive, explaining next steps and handing us some brochures, reassuring us and answering any questions we had.

We left the hospital in a bit of a daze, knowing that the hardest part was still to come – telling our children and family and friends what we had just found out.

The very beginning…

I have thought long and hard about writing this blog about what has happened to me in the last six weeks, to be honest it seems like I’m talking about somebody else, it’s all still a bit surreal.

I spoke to friends and family who all encouraged me to share my experiences in the hope that it might help somebody else who is going through the same tough time as I am.

I can remember the very first time I was in terrible pain, my stomach felt like there were knives inside carving me up. It was the afternoon of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Bank Holiday, I was in tears with the pain and so we went to a walk-in clinic, but typically as I waited to see the doctor the pain subsided. When the doctor examined me he couldn’t find anything wrong, put it down to a virus and prescribed me some diarrhoea sachets.

A few days later my doctor phoned me up, he did sound concerned and told me that if I had the pain again to go and see him straight away, this did worry me a little but as I wasn’t in pain anymore I forgot all about it.

Skip forward three months and we are going on a cruise in America. I wasn’t feeling that great, I had a stomach ache and found myself sitting on the toilet far more frequently that I ever did before. My poo varied from healthy to slimy to containing some blood, but I put it down to stress: preparing for the holiday, getting work done before we went, etc.

I can remember that whilst we were on the plane the stomach pain got worse, I couldn’t face any food and couldn’t concentrate on watching a film or reading a book. For the first three days of the holiday I wasn’t feeling good, sticking to bland food (such a waste with the wonderful food that was on offer), but I felt it would be better for me.

Then the pain stopped and I started to eat the lovely food and I put it down to being able to relax on the ship and taking it easy.

Once home, there was a bowel cancer screening kit waiting for me, I wondered if this was a sign, of course I had Googled my symptoms and also the symptoms of bowel cancer, but I never for one moment thought that was what I had, thinking it would be IBS or maybe even piles.

So I duly did my sample, noting that there was blood in the poo and thinking to myself, “That’s a good one to send them, hopefully they’ll tell me what’s wrong.”

About a week later I got a letter from the Bowel Cancer Screening Programme to say that my kit result showed that further tests were needed. I had to have a colonoscopy to detect if it was bowel cancer or not, or whether it was polyps which would be removed during the colonoscopy.

I had the date of my colonoscopy: 22nd November, 2022, to say I was nervous is an understatement.